Fig 0: Liveupdate
WE DID C PROGramming. NEWMOONBOY SAys: its quite FUN!!! (: except for lemuel!
we learnt how to program a calculator and fibonacci numbers... 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 blah blah blah and we also learnt many many many many many other ways of programming the same sequence (fibonacci sequence) to make it as fast as er.... a FASTENER!!! we could use the while loop, recursive function (joy: you are talking greek!), an many many others!
we went to play squash after that and the squash courts witnessed an epic battle between the current reigning squash champions NGSHUCHIN and HUYIJIE aka formofthedragon! it was a close match with many nerve-wracking and HAIR-raising moments. The ceiling was almost brought down due to the high energy levels as well as a constant barrage of squash balls.
we did more C programming and tested the TEXAS INSTRUMENTS board, another form of the software radio we were doinga few days back. It was very mind-boggling, and and and it reminded us of our GCs which happen to be collecting dust due to our negligence of work. At night, we tested our software radio at Glen Eyre and we erected a fishing pole in the middle of the carpark to connect our aerial. We heard some Spanish which sounded like Cantonese (According to Mr Chong). We also heard some alien speaking MARTIAN language. They seemed to be looking for their lost spaceship.
Fig 1.1 A spaceship
Fig 1.2: Martians. Choose the one u like!
we visited london in the magic school bus today! it looked somethinkg like...
Fig 2.001 (4sf) - the magic school bus
London was nice. london was beautiful. london had many super nice cars such as maseratis, ferraris, porsches, bentleys, lamborghini (sp?), land rovers, scooters, and even segways!
Fig 3.14159 (pi) (segway)
Fig 1,000,000,000 pounds: a lamborghini - an inferior good in London
Which one do u vote for! please comment: the high tech segway which is soooo cool or the lamborghinini which gives one an inferiority complex in london? make your choice.......... its now or neverrrr
we went to trafalgar square after getting off our MASERATI magic school bus.. after transferring to that lamborghini ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ taxi. it was a real blast with gryphons and lions - it kind of resembled a zoo!

Fig 2: Shuchin coming face to face with the magestic lions at travulgarfalgar square
we then went to the tower of london and we came face t face with the darkest of our fears. Quote cherie: "there are ghosts haunting the towers and bloodstained walls and even thieves who steal ur bags. its a pain, really" quote tony/liangxu: "i am in love with the scavenger's daughter" (disclaimer: the scavanger's daughter is one skimpy piece of equipment)
Fig 10: the scavenger's daughter
Fig 7: oops..the real scavenger's daughter
Fig 9: The rack
the figure above is the rack.
One gruesome aspect of being stretched too far on the rack is the loud popping noises made by snapping cartilage, ligaments or bones. Eventually, if the application of the rack is continued, the victim's limbs are ripped right off. One powerful method for putting pressure upon a prisoner was to merely force him to view someone else being subjected to the rack. A person stretched on the rack presented a spectacle of the body in pain.
it is mildy similar to Charlie and the Chocolate factory:
I don't know, but young men are extremely springy. They stretch like mad... Ah! Let's go put him in the taffy puller! ~ Willy Wonka's enthusiastic idea for restoring Mike Teavee back to normal. Mr Teavee: Taffy puller!? Wonka: Hey, that was my idea!
(quote from willy wonka)
Ok, A-hem. We also visited TOWER BRIDGE!!
We didnt have much time on the tower bridge though, because we spent too much time in the tower of london. Anyhow, tower bridge was quite majestic. Anyone would have expected tower bridge to be made just out of old, black bricks but nope, it looked more like a children's playground when you're on the bride itself, because its light blue structures made it look very colourful.

From the tower bridge, we could see London bridge too!! but it wasnt falling down like we hear about all the time. And actually it didnt look all that impressive and since we were running out of time and had enough time only to visit 1 bridge, we only went on tower bridge.

And what's even more interesting is that... we actually saw someone collapse on tower bridge. But it was across the road so we didnt really know what was going on. But it caused quite a commotion anyway. That reminds us that the civil servants in england are so busy compared to in singapore. I dont think any day has passed so far without us seeing ambulances, police cars or fire engines zooming past. But just that this time, we didnt see the ambulance, but saw the victim instead. It's like all the victims are in london, and the ambulances are all in soton.
But too bad we didnt get any pictures of the collapsed man, because it would've looked very rude. But anyway, london was very interesting. Everywhere we looked, there was something interesting, like ancient buildings, or a collapsed man. So we're all looking forward to visiting london again on saturday. But on saturdayyyy... we're going SHOPPING!!
GAME OVER!!! FINISH!!! BYEBYE HOPE U enJOY:D:D:D(chua)ed the post!
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